Are you recognizing 100 percent of your expected charges produced by activity on clinical forms? Do you trust the integrity and internal consistency of your clinical forms to properly accommodate your organization’s workflow to produce and recognize all charges? This may be a difficult question to answer if you do not have visibility or a way to measure this type of data.
Forms can be built in many ways, making the process of form-building and configuring charges very complex. Certain charge build components need to be applied and accounted for in addition to the clinical build of the form for the action(s) within the form (i.e. Alpha Response) or the form itself to drop a charge consistently. If you are configuring a chargeable form, valid bill code(s), valid charge points and valid price schedules associated to the form need to be built out. If the form’s associated charge build is incomplete in any way, the form will not produce a charge causing the expected charge to be missed.
Therefore, recognizing 100 percent of your expected charges produced by activity on clinical forms starts with and relies heavily on complete charge build associated to the forms.
If you’re having issues with expected charges not dropping, let’s chat. Softek recently released a Form Integrity Control, which gives Cerner clients full visibility to recent form activity in Millennium and helps to identify workflow and build issues with forms.
Softek’s Form Integrity Control displays the Event Summary(clinical events for a form and whether those events have corresponding charges), All Activity (form activity per FIN), Clinical Summary (form activity grouped by physician), and Build (hierarchy of the form build) of your organization’s active forms. With this visibility, you can start to fully trust the integrity of your forms.
What does Softek® do?
Softek’s mission is to help hospital systems maximize their investment in Oracle Cerner Millennium®. We do this by providing innovative software solutions and consulting services that can achieve more together than either can alone.
At Softek, our team of innovators and software developers brings expertise beyond the ordinary to every client. Our experts are involved with Oracle Cerner Millennium® hospitals throughout the country, consulting clients so they can optimize system performance and revenue integrity.
Softek delivers a full suite of consulting services and software solutions to assess and optimize EMR system performance, including revenue cycle integrity and patient accounting.
Softek was awarded 2020 KLAS Category Leader for Revenue Cycle Optimization.
Let’s talk about how you can get the most out of your Oracle Cerner Millennium® system.