Missing revenue affects more than just your bottom line. That’s money that could have been invested in patient care. At Softek, our goal is to ensure your hospital’s revenue integrity so you can find the source of missing revenue, stop the leak, and improve your services.
We Have a New Website!
Whether you’re a long-time client, or someone looking for a solution to their revenue loss, you can find the full range of our software and services on our new site. Created with the help of the award-winning website agency Lifted Logic, our stunning site makes it easy for our clients to find the solutions they’re looking for.
The detailed web design process challenged us to examine how every image, word, and color can help us provide the best possible experience for the people we serve.
With our new site, we’re now able to connect with more hospital staff who are constantly losing revenue and help them optimize for peak performance. We also provide more education on their EMR system and how to utilize our software tools to access the most out of their EMR. From one convenient place, you can:
- Request a complementary demo
- Sign up for our webinars and Softek University courses
- Meet our team
- See our case studies
- See our software solutions
- Request a custom report
- And more
During this process, we enjoyed working with the Lifted Logic team, learning how our website affects our clients, and learning how we can best accomplish our goals.
“Working with Softek was an enjoyable and highly educational experience. We were excited to learn more about their industry and showcase not just their passion but their personality. They were a fun group to work with, and we’re happy to have created a beautiful site that works well for them and their users.”
— Connor Terrill, PPC Specialist at Lifted Logic
Explore Our New Site!
Explore our new website, and see all the software solutions and services that our team has to offer.