Videl Nelson, Revenue Integrity Consultant

Are Your Servers Setup to Write Events to Message Logs?

Have you ever been in a situation where you were having an issue with a server, then went to the message Log to guide you to a resolution just to find that there were no entries or rows written to the message log by that server? When message log settings are not set correctly for a given server, this tends to lead to a lack of visibility into the stability and performance issues that your Millennium domain may be experiencing.

There are two parts of the system that should be evaluated to ensure that your servers will write events to message logs:

1. SCP Settings – SCP servers should have a Username set to root and a Group Name set to your domain user (example: d_prod). Also, you should set the SCP property to a LogLevel of 2 (Audit) on the following SCP servers: 0 (Service Manager), 33 (Server Control Panel), 66 (CPM HNAM Agent) and 78 (CPM Script Install). Conversely, SCP server57 (CPM Script Batch Priv) should be set to a LogLevel of 1 unless you are actively troubleshooting an issue with this server.

2. Permission Settings in the $cer_log Directory – Within the $cer_log directory, the following message logs the User setting should be root and the Group setting should be your domain username (example: d_prodor d_pxxx, with the “xxx” being your Millennium client number if you are remote hosted): cmb_0000.mlg, cmb_0033.mlg, cmb_0057.mlg, cmb_0066.mlg andcmb_0078.mlg. The permissions on the file can be -rw-rw—-, which will allow the user of root as well as anyone in the group of d_prod to read and write to these log files. Message logs, other than the previously mentioned logs, will work fine with having a User and Group setting of root. Setting these permissions appropriately will provide you with the needed information to troubleshoot performance and stability issues in your Millennium domain.

Having the appropriate SCP settings and permissions in the $cer_log directory will give you more insight into your Millennium domain and provide you with meaningful information to troubleshoot any performance issues your domain may be experiencing.

What does Softek® do?

Softek’s mission is to help hospital systems get the most out of their investment in Oracle Cerner Millennium®. We do this by providing innovative software solutions and consulting services that can achieve more together than either can alone.

At Softek, our team of innovators and software developers brings expertise beyond the ordinary to every client. Our experts are involved with Oracle Cerner Millennium® hospitals throughout the country, consulting clients so they can optimize system performance and revenue integrity.

Softek delivers a full suite of consulting services and software solutions to assess and optimize EMR system performance, including revenue cycle integrity and patient accounting.

Softek was awarded 2021 Best in KLAS for Revenue Cycle Optimization.

Let’s talk about how you can get the most out of your Oracle Cerner Millennium® system.